What Is Remote Work?

July 20, 2024

remote work

Remote work, also known as telecommuting, means working from a place other than the traditional office. It happens when people do their jobs from home, coffee shops, or anywhere with an internet connection. Employees who do remote work are called remote workers. 

Remote workers use computers and the Internet to connect with colleagues and bosses. They can send emails, join video meetings, and share documents online. This way of working has grown in popularity in recent years. It offers flexibility, allowing people to balance their jobs and personal lives. 

As technology advances, remote work is becoming more common. It has a long history, even though it is only getting popular now. Remote working also benefits employees and employers. It has its challenges and some misconceptions, but the future looks bright.

How Does Remote Working Function?

Remote working functions through the use of technology that lets people work from different locations. In this setup, employees and employers don't need to be in the same physical place. They use tools like computers, the Internet, and software to communicate and complete their tasks.

First, remote workers need a computer or other digital devices, like laptops or tablets. These devices allow them to access work tasks and stay in touch with colleagues. Internet connection is crucial since it lets them quickly send and receive information.

Communication tools like email, video conferencing, and messaging apps play a big role. These tools allow remote workers to talk with their colleagues and supervisors in real time. Video meetings, for example, enable face-to-face discussions, even when people are miles apart.

Remote work also involves using shared online spaces: documents, files, and important information can be stored in the cloud and accessible to everyone involved. These shared spaces make it easy for remote workers to collaborate on projects.

The History of Remote Work

The history of remote work‍
History of remote working. Source: Job Duck

The history of remote work traces back to the pioneering efforts of people like Jack Nilles, a NASA engineer who introduced the concept of "telecommuting" in 1973. Before the era of modern remote work tools like Skype and Zoom, limited experiments with telecommuting were already underway. For instance, in 1979, a small group of IBM employees started working from home to test the feasibility of remote work.

What began as a modest team of five remote workers in the early stages expanded significantly. By 1983, the number of remote workers at IBM had grown to 2,000. Even call center staff, who mainly conducted their work over the phone, were allowed to work from home. It was an early glimpse of the potential of remote work.

The COVID-19 pandemic played a big role in making remote work the norm. This National Library of Medicine study found that the prolonged COVID-19 sit-at-home made companies settle for remote working. This is because it was required for almost everybody to stay at home. So instead of folding up, employers adapted to their employees working from home. 

Today, remote work is no longer a fad but a norm in many sectors. A Gartner survey reveals that 74% of businesses plan to incorporate remote positions into their post-COVID plans. Telecommuting saw a remarkable 115% increase between 2005 and 2015. Now, 16% of companies globally, according to Owl Labs State of Remote Work report, operate fully remote, and it's expected to continue growing as we adapt to the new realities of a post-pandemic world.

According to Getapp, the number of people working from home has surged 400% since 2010. A significant 78% of respondents now engage in remote work to some extent. Some big companies have embraced a remote-first approach, like Zapier, Gitlab, and Toptal, while others, like Microsoft and Google, have adopted a remote-friendly stance, according to the same study.

These shifts in the working landscape reflect the ever-evolving nature of remote work. What began as an experiment decades ago has become a fundamental aspect of the modern workforce. The history of remote work highlights its growth, acceptance, and the pivotal role it plays in how people work today.

Types of Remote Work

The different types of remote work
Types of remote work. Source: Float

Remote work has various forms, each offering its unique approach to working from different locations. Below are some types of remote work:

1. The Gig Economy

The gig economy involves working on a project-by-project basis, often as independent contractors or freelancers. Companies like Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash rely on gig workers. These people can choose when and how much they work, which makes it suitable for those looking for short-term opportunities.

2. Freelancing

Freelancing involves offering one's skills and services to clients on a contract basis. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr connect freelancers with clients seeking specific talents. Freelancers have control over their work, setting their rates and schedules. Graphic designers, writers, and web developers commonly freelance.

3. Work from Home (WFH)

Work from Home, or WFH, is a flexible work arrangement where employees perform their regular job tasks from their homes. Companies like Amazon and Dell have WFH programs. Employees benefit from the convenience of working remotely while still being part of a larger organization.

4. Hybrid Work

Hybrid work combines in-office and remote work. Employees spend some days at the office and the rest working remotely. Companies like Microsoft and Ford adopt hybrid work models. This allows employees to balance the benefits of in-person collaboration with the flexibility of remote work.

5. Remote-Friendly Work

Remote-friendly companies offer employees the option to work remotely but maintain office space for those who prefer it. Businesses like Microsoft and Google have embraced this approach. It promotes flexibility while accommodating the diverse needs of employees.

6. Fully Remote Work

Fully remote work refers to positions where employees work exclusively remotely. Companies like GitLab and Automattic have adopted this model. These organizations often don't have physical offices, relying entirely on remote teams. This approach offers maximum flexibility but requires strong online communication and collaboration tools.

Benefits of Remote Work

The benefits of remote work
Benefits of remote work for employees and employers. Source: Actitime.com

Remote work offers significant advantages for employees and the management. Below is how it benefits each group:

Benefits for Employees

  • Money savings. Working remotely can lead to employee cost savings. They spend less on commuting, work attire, and daily meals. According to this study by the National Library of Medicine, Dell employees who, on average, work remotely 10 days a month save about $350 a year in commuting costs. Remote working also helps reduce expenses related to transportation and parking. This allows people to keep more money in their pockets.
  • Flexibility and freedom. Remote work allows employees to structure their workday to suit their needs. They can adjust their schedules, providing a better work-life balance.
  • Better work-life balance. Remote work allows people to balance their professional and personal lives better. They can be present for family and personal matters while meeting work responsibilities.
  • Location independence. Remote work breaks the chains of a fixed office location. Employees can work from anywhere with an Internet connection. This allows them to choose where they live and work.
  • Improved productivity. Many remote employees experience increased productivity. According to a survey by ConnectSolutions, working remotely increases productivity by 77%. Employees often complete tasks more efficiently with fewer workplace distractions and the ability to create a comfortable home office.

Benefits for Employers

  • Reduced cost. Employers can save money with remote work arrangements. Some studies back this up. According to Global Workplace Analytics, businesses can save about $11,000 per employee remotely working 2 to 3 days a week. According to the Cleveland Business Journal, bigger companies could save $11.3 million annually if they moved to remote work for about 3 to 4 days a week. These companies cut office space, utilities, and maintenance expenses, leading to reduced overhead costs.
  • Large talent pool. Remote work opens the door to a global talent pool. Employers can hire the best candidates to access diverse skills and expertise regardless of location.
  • Less absenteeism. Remote work can decrease absenteeism. Employees have more flexibility in managing their schedules, reducing the need for sick leave or time off for personal matters.
  • Increased productivity. Remote workers often exhibit higher productivity levels. The absence of daily commuting and office distractions allows them to focus on tasks, resulting in improved efficiency.
  • Reduced employee turnover. Offering remote work options can enhance employee satisfaction and retention. Many surveys and studies back this up. According to this survey by Global Work-Life, 65% of people working remotely are “extremely satisfied” with their jobs, compared to just 34% of those who work in the office. When employees have the flexibility to work from home, they are more likely to stay with their current employer.

Remote Work Challenges

Biggest challenges of working from home
The challenges of remote work. Source: Happeo

While remote work offers numerous benefits, it also has some common challenges for employees and employers.

For Employees

 Biggest struggles with working remotely‍
Remote working challenges survey. Source: Buffer
  • Isolation. Working remotely can be isolating. Employees miss out on face-to-face interactions with colleagues, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection. In fact, according to a survey conducted by Buffer, 20% of people working remotely said they feel lonely while working. This shows that remote working can truly make one feel lonely at a point.
  • Distractions. Home environments have many distractions, such as household chores, family members, or pets. These distractions can disrupt work focus.
  • Communication issues. Effective communication can be challenging in remote work setups. Misunderstandings may arise due to the absence of in-person cues and interactions.
  • Work-life boundary. It can be difficult to establish clear boundaries between work and personal life when remote working. This may lead to overworking or difficulties disconnecting from work.
  • Technology hiccups. Technical issues like Internet connectivity problems or software glitches can disrupt work and cause frustration.

For Employers:

  • Monitoring performance. Employers may find it challenging to monitor employee performance remotely. It's more difficult to gauge productivity and assess work quality.
  • Security concerns. Remote work introduces cybersecurity risks as sensitive company data is accessed from different locations. Employers need to implement strong security measures to protect data.
  • Collaboration and team building. Building a cohesive team and fostering collaboration can be more complex in remote work environments. It requires extra effort to keep employees engaged and connected.
  • Communication gaps. Ensuring employees receive essential information and stay connected can be a hurdle. The management must find effective ways to bridge communication gaps.
  • Innovation. The absence of in-person interactions and spontaneous office discussions can hinder the creative exchange of ideas and innovative thinking. Like Ellen Kuillman, CEO of Carbon Inc., said, “What I worry about the most is innovation. Innovation is hard to schedule — it’s impossible to schedule.” Employers may need to find new ways to build innovation and maintain a culture of creativity among remote teams.

The Future of Remote Work

The future of remote work appears promising. It's expected to continue growing in the coming years. As technology evolves, more industries will adopt remote work as a standard practice. Companies will offer flexible work options to attract talent from different locations. 

Remote work tools and communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet, will advance, making collaboration easier for teams. This trend will lead to a more diverse and global workforce. 

The experience gained during the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the acceptance of remote work. It will likely become a fundamental part of how we work, offering increased flexibility and opportunities for employees and employers alike. According to a study conducted by Upwork, in the USA only, 32.6 million people will be working remotely by 2025, making up 22% of their total workforce. So, it is safe to say that the future of work is remote.

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