What is Mentoring?

July 20, 2024


According to the University of Southampton, mentoring is a protected relationship that supports learning and experimentation and helps people develop their potential. A mentoring relationship is one where both mentor and mentee recognize the need for personal development. Successful mentoring is based on trust and confidentiality.

It is a reciprocal and collaborative learning relationship between two people with mutual goals and shared accountability for the success of the relationship. The mentor, who is usually experienced and knowledgeable, provides guidance, advice, and support to the mentee, who is typically less experienced.

A mentoring relationship is often personal and encompasses direct engagement, sharing of experiences, and imparting wisdom in a specific field or context. It can occur in various settings, such as academic institutions, workplaces, and communities. It involves communication and is relationship-based, which means the mentor and mentee work together to develop the mentee's skills, understanding, and knowledge.

Types Of Mentoring

Types of mentoring.
The different types of mentoring. Source: Research Gate

Mentoring comes in various forms, each catering to different needs and preferences. Understanding the different types of mentoring relationships helps find the most suitable approach for personal or professional growth. Below are some common types of mentoring relationships:

  1. Academic mentoring. This type of mentoring occurs in an educational setting, where the mentor provides guidance and support to the mentee in their academic endeavors. It often involves advising on coursework, research, and academic career paths.
  2. Career planning. Career mentoring focuses on the professional development of the mentee. A mentor in this context would offer insights into the industry, help navigate career challenges, and provide advice on professional growth and job opportunities.
  3. Personal growth and development. In this more holistic approach, the mentor supports the personal development of the mentee, addressing areas such as self-confidence, work-life balance, and interpersonal skills.

Purpose of Mentoring

 Purposes of mentoring.‍
The purpose of mentoring. Source: HR Daily Advisor

Mentoring helps facilitate individuals' personal and professional growth by providing support, knowledge transfer, and guidance from experienced mentors to mentees. Below are the purposes of mentoring:

Goal Achievement

The goal of a mentoring program is to accelerate the personal and professional development of mentees. For instance, according to Guider, 25% of employees who enrolled in a mentoring program had a salary-grade change, compared to only 5% of workers who did not participate in one. It aims to provide them with guidance, knowledge, and support to help them achieve their objectives and grow in their careers.


Mentoring helps in the transfer of skills and knowledge from experienced mentors to mentees. It provides an opportunity for mentees to learn from the expertise and experience of their mentors, thereby enhancing their skills and knowledge.


Mentors encourage and enable the professional and personal development of their mentees. They help them stay focused by setting goals and providing the necessary support and motivation to achieve them.


Mentoring offers mentees access to support and opportunity, while mentors gain the chance to impact their mentees and build lasting connections positively. It provides a supportive environment for mentees to seek guidance and advice from their mentors.


Mentoring involves guiding and coaching mentees to help them navigate their career paths, develop their skills, and overcome challenges. Mentors play a crucial role in providing feedback, advice, and direction to their mentees.


Mentoring provides mentees with direction by helping them set and work towards their goals. Mentors often offer valuable insights and guidance to assist mentees in making informed decisions about their careers and professional development.


Mentoring allows for the exchange of advice between mentors and mentees. Mentors can share their knowledge and experience to provide valuable advice to mentees, helping them make sound decisions and handle challenges in their careers.


The purpose of mentoring is to facilitate individuals' personal and professional growth, ultimately leading to their success. In a survey conducted by Sage, 55% of respondents believe mentoring helps them succeed, while 97% of those with a mentor say they are valuable. Also, according to Guider, mentees are promoted 5 times more often than those without mentors, and mentors themselves are 6 times more likely to be promoted. Mentoring programs aim to help mentees achieve their full potential, develop their skills, and make meaningful career progress.

The Role of a Mentor

What does a mentor do?
The role of a mentor. Source: BetterUp

The role of a mentor is multifaceted and includes many responsibilities and functions. Mentors play a crucial part in guiding and supporting their mentees, whether in a professional, educational, or personal context. Some of the key roles and responsibilities of a mentor include:

  1. Providing knowledge and advice. Mentors offer practical advice, emotional support, and valuable resources to their mentees, helping them solve professional problems and improve their skills.
  2. Building professional and personal abilities. Mentors help develop their mentees by providing valuable feedback, direction, and guidance to enhance their professional and personal abilities and skills.
  3. Sharing insights and knowledge. Drawing from their experience, mentors share their understanding of the dynamics of their field, offering valuable insights and knowledge to their mentees.
  4. Being a role model and counselor. Mentors serve as role models, counselors, and advocates for their mentees. They provide them with the necessary support and guidance to navigate their professional and personal development.
  5. Establishing goals and objectives. Mentors work with their mentees to establish explicit goals and objectives for the relationship, fostering the mentees' growth and development.
  6. Providing feedback and encouragement. A mentor's responsibility includes providing frank, honest, and constructive feedback, as well as offering encouragement and assisting the mentee in identifying professional development activities.
  7. Maintaining confidentiality and professionalism. Mentors are expected to maintain a professional relationship that respects the mentee's limits and confidentiality, fostering a safe and supportive environment for the mentee.
  8. Fostering the relationship. Mentors commit to fostering the relationship for a specified period, actively listening to the mentee, and following through on commitments made to the mentee.
  9. Respecting boundaries and limits. A mentor recognizes and works through their own limits, as well as respecting the mentee's limits, to ensure a healthy and productive mentoring relationship.
  10. Ending the relationship. Finally, a mentor takes steps to end the relationship at the agreed-upon time and tries to find the mentee another mentor if needed, respecting the closure of the mentoring relationship.

How to Choose a Mentor

Choosing a mentor is a transformative experience for personal and professional growth. Here are the best moves people make to find the perfect mentor:

Identify Goals and Needs

Before initiating the search for a mentor, it's essential to spend a moment reflecting on the goals, needs, and development areas of interest. Pinpoint the specific skills or knowledge sought to be acquired through the mentorship. Such clarity aids in locating a mentor whose expertise and objectives are in harmony with these aspirations.

Tap into Existing Network

The value of the existing network is never overlooked. Engage with colleagues, friends, or professional associations to ask about potential mentors. They might have connections to individuals possessing the expertise and experience that you are looking for.

Explore Online Platforms and Communities

In the digital era, numerous online platforms and communities exist specifically for the purpose of connecting mentors with mentees. These resources are utilized to broaden one's network and locate mentors who specialize in the desired field of interest. Platforms such as LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, and dedicated mentorship websites like mentor-connect.org serve as valuable sources for this endeavor.

Attend Networking Events and Conferences

Networking events and conferences like TechSummit and BusinessConnect provide prime opportunities to encounter industry professionals and prospective mentors. Participate in discussions, share your aspirations, and express interest in mentorship – all these can really help you. 

Approach Potential Mentors Professionally

When initiating contact with potential mentors, act professionally and respectfully. Crafting a brief yet persuasive introduction that explains the reasons behind the belief in their potential as a valuable mentor is essential. Emphasizing shared interests, experiences, or mutual connections can help establish a rapport.

Be Prepared and Respectful of Their Time

Mentors are offering their time and expertise voluntarily. Be well-prepared for each interaction, coming with questions and respecting their time. Show appreciation for their guidance by implementing their suggestions and providing updates on progress.


Mentoring is a powerful tool that has the potential to unlock personal and professional growth. It provides mentees with a dedicated sounding board for their ideas, challenges them to broaden their skills, and helps them navigate through their career journey. 

Thus, if you aim to advance in your career, seek guidance, or wish to give back by becoming a mentor, embrace the power of mentoring and embark on a rewarding journey of growth and learning.

Recommended Literature

Matthew Reeves (2023, November). What is Mentoring? Together. https://www.togetherplatform.com/blog/what-is-mentoring-meaning-benefits-and-types

Laura Francis (2023, February). What Is Mentoring? A Detailed Guide to Successful Mentoring. MentorcliQ. https://www.mentorcliq.com/blog/what-is-mentoring

University of Arizona (2022, June). 11 Roles and Responsibilities for You to Build a Better Mentor and Mentee Relationship. https://eller.arizona.edu/news/2022/06/11-roles-responsibilities-you-build-better-mentor-mentee-relationship

Model of structured e-mentoring. (n.d.-b). https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Model-of-structured-e-mentoring_fig1_263068662

A.Clutterbuck, D., K.Kochan, F., Lunsford, L., Dominguez, N., & Haddock-Millar, J. (2017, January 26). The sage handbook of mentoring. Sage Knowledge. https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/the-sage-handbook-of-mentoring/i3810.xml

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