What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

20 min read

July 20, 2024

What Is Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, sometimes known as AI, is a technology that allows robots to carry out activities that would normally require human intelligence. AI has been around since the 1950s and has evolved with technological advancements. This makes it one of the most popular technologies in history.

AI is not just about robots and self-driving cars; it also involves machine learning, which allows computers to learn from different experiences rather than being explicitly programmed to perform each task. It is used in many fields, including healthcare, education, and entertainment. AI has the potential to increase workplace efficiency and supplement human work. Today, it is widely used in different areas and has a promising future for the whole planet.

The Evolution of AI

Artificial Intelligence has gone through a lot of phases, evolving from rudimentary algorithms to intricate systems that shape the modern world.

How the Turing Test works
How the Turing Test works. Source: Infineon.com

It all started in the 1950s, when simple algorithms marked AI's inception, the building blocks of computer instructions. These algorithms, like the Turing Test and the Logic Theorist, paved the way for AI's growth, even though their capabilities were basic compared to today's standards.

The 1990s marked a turning point as AI began to learn from data. Machine learning algorithms emerged, enabling computers to analyze information and predict trends. For example, a computer scientist, Thomas Bayes, using machine learning algorithms, invented the classifier Naïve Bayes. The Naïve Bayes algorithm leverages probabilistic principles to classify input data into predefined categories. It is particularly effective for text classification tasks, where it learns from labeled training data to calculate the likelihood of a given piece of text belonging to a certain category. In the context of spam email detection, the Naïve Bayes classifier can learn from a dataset containing examples of both spam and non-spam emails. By analyzing patterns in the text and the presence of certain keywords, it can then predict whether an incoming email is likely to be spam or not.

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), a kind of recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture used for handwriting and speech recognition, was invented by Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber. This era also birthed facts mining techniques, uncovering valuable insights from vast information pools. AI's transition to data-driven learning was a significant leap toward becoming an adaptable digital learner.

The early 2000s brought natural language processing, allowing AI to understand human language and engage in conversations. Chatbots exemplified this progress, transforming AI from a tool to a conversational companion. Example of AI tools that were invented by this time was IBM’s Deep Blue and Apple’s Siri virtual assistant, among others.

The mid-2000s saw AI team up with machine learning, propelling it beyond rule-based instruction tools. Predictive analytics like the IBM SPSS and SAS and image and language recognition advancements like OpenCV showcased AI's evolving abilities. In the late 2010s, neural networks enabled AI to comprehend complex patterns, particularly in computer vision. Deep learning emerged, for example, the development of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for natural language processing tasks like language translation. These helped drive AI to analyze data deeply and generate art, music, and text.

The 2020s elevated AI to new heights through deep learning and generative models like GPT-4 and DALL-E. AI has become a creative force in fields like healthcare and finance. AI's evolution has revolutionized industries and reshaped human interaction with technology.

Types of AI

AI evolves from narrow to general and super learning levels. Arend Hintze, a researcher and professor of integrative biology at Michigan State University, defines four AI types: reactive, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-awareness.

Reactive Machines

Reactive machines are task-specific AI systems without memory. They consistently deliver the same output for a given input. Examples include machine learning models that process customer data to provide tailored recommendations, like Netflix suggestions or self-driving car algorithms.

Limited Memory

Limited memory AI evolves by learning from data. It imitates brain neurons, improving with more input. Unlike reactive machines, it considers past observations and current data. Self-driving cars use limited memory AI to observe other vehicles and make lane-changing decisions.

Theory of Mind

Theory of mind AI, under development, aims to understand others' thoughts and emotions. This potential technology could understand and predict human intentions and behavior by simulating emotional responses. Imagine a robot anticipating a child's joy when offered a favorite toy or knowing when a colleague might need help based on their mood. This is what the theory of mind will be all about.


Self-aware AI, the pinnacle of AI evolution, doesn't exist yet. It would have consciousness, understanding its existence, emotions, and predicting others' feelings. Imagine an AI that recognizes its own emotions and states of being and even has preferences. It might say, for example, "I feel hungry and want to try that lasagna I love." However, achieving this level of AI requires unraveling the intricacies of human cognition, memory, and decision-making.

Application of AI in Various Sectors

AI has impacted various industries, enhancing productivity, efficiency, and decision-making. Some sectors that have been significantly influenced by AI include:

Technology and Science

Number of Industrial Robots Installed in the World by Application
Number of Industrial Robots Installed in the World by Application. Source: aiindex.stanford.edu

AI is revolutionizing the tech industry with machine learning and deep learning advancements. It is used to improve productivity and efficiency while reducing the potential for human error. One example of AI enhancing productivity is in manufacturing. AI-powered robots, like the UR5e robotic arm by Universal Robots, perform repetitive tasks precisely, reducing errors. This boosts efficiency and product consistency while minimizing the risk of human mistakes. 

In science, it mimics human intellect, aiding geoscientists and astronomers in data analysis. AI fortifies cybersecurity and optimizes algorithms, enhancing computer systems' performance. AI is a partner and trailblazer, enabling discovery and progress across fields. In technology and science, AI is more than a tool – it's a partner, an enabler, and a trailblazer. With AI, people are exploring new frontiers and unraveling the mysteries of the universe.


AI is revolutionizing healthcare through medical imaging analysis, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans. Tools like Enlitic employ deep learning to enhance medical image interpretation, aiding accurate diagnoses from X-rays and MRIs. This improves patient care and speeds up diagnosis processes.


AI powers self-driving cars and intelligent traffic management systems, enhancing road safety and efficiency. Companies like Waymo use AI to create autonomous vehicles that navigate and react to real-world traffic scenarios, reducing human error and enabling safer transportation.


AI is transforming education with personalized learning experiences and educational tools. Duolingo, an AI-driven language learning platform, adapts lessons based on user progress, making learning more tailored. AI-enabled education also includes virtual tutors and automated grading systems, streamlining educational processes.


AI is reshaping retail with inventory management, customer service, and personalized recommendations. Blue Yonder offers AI-driven solutions that optimize inventory levels, ensuring products are available when needed. AI chatbots provide instant customer support, while recommendation systems analyze customer behavior to offer personalized product suggestions.


AI plays a crucial role in finance with fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment. QuantConnect is an AI tool used for algorithmic trading, predicting market trends and making fast trading decisions. AI-driven fraud detection systems analyze transactions to identify unusual patterns, protecting financial institutions and customers from fraudulent activities.

AI has become deeply integrated into everyday lives, impacting how people communicate, work, and navigate the world. From personalized recommendations to voice assistants, AI technology has impacted several sectors and is still shaping the present and future.

Ethical Issues

 Ethical questions raised by AI
AI and the ethical questions they raise. Source: Plugger.ai

As artificial intelligence becomes more embedded into our daily lives, ethical considerations surrounding privacy, bias, and accountability will become more crucial. Discussions around AI governance, regulation, and responsible AI development will likely gain prominence. AI's possible influence on the labor market and workforce dynamics will continue to be a topic of debate and exploration.

Privacy and Data Protection

AI's need for data can clash with individuals' privacy. Gathering data might lead to personal information exposure. Balancing AI's potential with safeguarding private data is challenging due to legal, ethical, and technical complexities.

Bias and Discrimination

AI's decision-making can magnify existing biases, perpetuating unfairness. Managing this challenge is complex due to partial data sources, posing difficulties in ensuring unprejudiced AI outcomes.

Transparency and Accountability

AI decisions often lack transparency, causing confusion. Accountability becomes blurred when it's unclear who's responsible for AI's actions. Addressing transparency and accountability challenges requires balancing understanding complex AI processes and holding parties accountable.

Safety and Reliability

AI errors can result in accidents and harm. Ensuring AI's reliability across various scenarios is difficult due to unpredictable interactions and potential bugs. Establishing comprehensive safety measures covering all AI's potential risks is complex.

Autonomy and Responsibility

AI making autonomous decisions can lead to unintended consequences. Determining who is accountable for AI's actions in these scenarios becomes challenging, as traditional notions of responsibility might not apply. Formulating frameworks to assign responsibility in autonomous AI systems is a significant challenge.

Human Impact and Manipulation

AI's broad societal influence can reshape industries and opinions. AI can also be misused to manipulate people's behavior or opinions. Balancing the positive impact of AI with safeguarding against manipulation requires careful governance and ethical considerations.

Ethical Concerns in Future AI (AGI)

Super-intelligent AI's actions and impact on humanity are unpredictable. Addressing ethical concerns surrounding AGI is challenging due to the uncertainty of its behavior and the potential for unforeseen consequences. Preparing for AGI's ethical implications requires forward-thinking policies and frameworks.

Future of AI

AI is a fast expanding sector, and its future holds immense possibilities. While the exact trajectory of AI's development is uncertain, here are some potential aspects to consider based on the available information:

Advancements in AI Technology

Top 10 AI technology
Top AI technology. Source: My Great Learning

AI technology is expected to advance rapidly, with breakthroughs in machine learning, deep learning, production, and neural networks. Developing more sophisticated algorithms and models may lead to AI systems that can perform complex tasks more accurately and efficiently.

AI's role in education could be revolutionary. According to Science Direct's and UNESCO's studies, personalized learning experiences could be tailored to each student's unique strengths and weaknesses. AI will likely blend with robotics, IoT, and virtual reality to create novel experiences. For instance, we could see AI-driven robots collaborating with humans, IoT devices communicating and adapting intelligently, and virtual reality simulations enriched by AI insights. These promise innovative solutions, enhanced automation, and immersive interactions across various domains.

Impact on Industries

What AGI is all about
What AGI is all about. Source: Insights.daffodilsw.com

AI is likely to profoundly impact various industries, altering how firms work and generating new opportunities. According to the report by The White House, sectors such as healthcare, finance, transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing may experience significant advancements like precision farming and self-driven public vehicles through AI-driven automation, predictive analytics, and personalized services. 

AI-powered technologies like chatbots and virtual assistants may become more prevalent in customer service and support roles. AI's evolution could also lead to the creation of artificial general intelligence (AGI), machines that possess human-like reasoning and understanding. These AGIs could be partners in scientific breakthroughs, aiding researchers in solving mysteries that have puzzled humanity for ages.

Continued Research and Collaboration

Ongoing research and collaboration among academia, industry, and government will drive further advancements in AI. According to this survey, which was carried out by Harvard Business Review, involving 1,500 companies, firms achieve the highest performance improvement level when humans and machines work together. 

AI research and development investments are expected to increase, promoting innovation and pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve. It is important to note that the future of AI is subject to various factors, including technological advancements, societal acceptance, and ethical considerations. While AI holds immense potential, it is crucial to approach its development and deployment with careful consideration and responsible practices.

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